81. 4Qs with Sarah Prikryl

This DIF4Q is with Sarah Prikryl.  Sarah’s documentary short film Family: A Love Story took home a Grand Jury Prize at Film Invasion Los Angeles in 2018. It is without a doubt one of the most wonderfully documentaries you could have caught on the festival circuit, and now it is available online.  (Watch it right now!)

What is DIF4Q?  It’s the Discover Indie Film Four Questions.

    • Name your favorite film of all time (limit 3)
    • Name a film you think is underrated
    • Name a film you think is overrated
    • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

Here are Sarah’s DIF4Q answers:

  • Favorites: Princess Bride, Amelie, Eternal Sunshine For The Spotless Mind, Clue, Sleepless In Seattle, It’s A Wonderful Life
  • Underrated: Force Majeur
  • Overrated:  Love Actually
  • Seek Out:  The Act of Killing

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