451. Hayden Croft Returns!

This was Hayden Croft’s fourth appearance on this podcast because it represents his fourth film that has screened at either Film Invasion Los Angeles or Sherman Oaks Film Festival. In March 2018, he came by with actor/producer Jay Eftimoski to discuss their film “New Age, Olde English” which screened at SOFF 2016. In July 2021, he came by to discuss “Last Wish” which screened at FILA 2018. In September 2021, he came by to discuss “Four Junkies” which screened at SOFF 2019. And today he came in to discuss… The short film “Tax Time” that screened at FILA 2023 and, almost more importantly, his self-published short story anthology “Kisses from Strangers in the Dark” that he gave me in 2018, and his currently unpublished novel “Sand Ramsey is a Dick” aka “Oh No, NoHo” aka “No Way, NoHo.”

We had a LOT to talk about!

You can learn more about Hayden and his work at haydenlcroft.com and, to get a little high art on y’all, below is the poem Hayden recited on this podcast!

“Combustible Criteria”

By Hayden Croft


Contending with the coarseness, current culture

calls “connection,”

Confers a change – of course – on once

conventional conceptions.


Collective condescension can oft condemn the


And the cover-up contenders, who conceal their

constant malice.


They concoct a coalition of compelling


To consort with the contentious, and contort all



Coercion is a construct used to codify


And by condoning corporate conduct, one

corroborates connivance.


Crude, continual conjecture on the concept that

is class,

Is both critical, and cynical, and caters to the



In conscripting crowds to conquest, your charm

must be contagious,

Your commands be uncontested; your charisma

be courageous.


To capture the chaotic, then condemn it to


The combative must be concrete; any comfort’s

by consignment.


The conditions of convection are conveyed

through circulation,


And constricting coalescence, can’t constrain

the conflagration.


Contained within this charter, is the credible


Of contro-versy contagions, meant to

counteract confusion.


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