449. Fr3deR1cK & Jeff Shoot the S**t, Part 6

This was Fr3deR1cK’s sixth time as a guest on this podcast. He came into L.A. from ATL for a screening of “The Third Country” at Dances With Films. By the way, everyone should check out the series Fr3deR1cK’ produced that is on TVHi, “Hot Girls Getting High.” Catch this smart and hilarious series at https://www.watchtvhi.com/hggh

One last note… if you look at the DIF Website you will see that Fred has achieved a new honor… for the first time ever the selfie on the DIF website has been taken by the guest, not the host. Talk about significant! Learn more about Fr3deR1cK Taylor at these links: Fr3deR1cK.com tomorrowpictures.com and @fr3der1ck on Instagram

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