161. 4Qs with Bond Richards

What are the 4Q’s?

  • Name your favorite films of all time (limit 3)
  • Name a film you think is underrated
  • Name a film you think is overrated
  • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

If you saw “First States” then you know that Bond Richards has a unique cinematic vision.  And if you have not seen this film, you can watch it now on the Discover Indie Film TV Series on Amazon Prime Video — just go to Season 4 Episode 1 to check out this darkly hilarious and extremely satisfying film.

After you’ve watched “First States” you can listen to this podcast where Bond shares the films that inspire him.

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You can listen to the podcast using the media player below or on iTunes, Google Play, SoundCloud, or Stitcher.

Here are Bond’s 4Qs answers:

  • Favorites: Saving Private Ryan, The Shining, Anti-Christ
  • Underrated: Burn After Reading
  • Overrated: Parasite
  • Seek Out: Thou Wast Mild and Lovely
