412. 4Qs with Rich & Matt Van Tine

What are the 4Qs?  (1) Three favorite films. (2) An underrated film. (3) An overrated film. (4) A lesser-known film people should seek out.

Rich & Matt Van Tine have brought two films to the Sherman Oaks Film Festival over the years; “A Side of Fries” in 2018 and “Magic Box” in 2022.  Both films are superb and I’d looked forward to getting these two on the DIF podcast for years.  And you know that once they were on the mics I would have them answer the DIF 4Qs above.

Follow their work at their Van Tine Design Instagram account @vtdproductions

Follow Rich at his Instagram account @vantinedesign

Follow Matt at his Instagram account @mattvantine

Finally jump on the Indiegogo page for their next film Lone Wolf


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