201. Michael Dailey & Morgan Lintz “Turner Risk”

Michael Dailey & Morgan Lintz in an undisclosed location

I met Michael Dailey and Morgan Lintz when they brought their award winning feature film “Turner Risk” to the Sherman Oaks Film Festival in 2019.  The film did not disappoint, pulling in four awards at SOFF that year.  Soon after that festival I chatted with Michael and Morgan about interviewing them on this podcast, but if you do the math that was late 2019 and 2020 was a bit of a challenge.  It may be nearly two years later, but we finally gave up on an in-person chat and hopped onto FaceTime to finally discuss their careers and “Turner Risk.”

You should watch “Turner Risk” ASAP.  It is a shining example of indie cinema done right. Find the film and learn all you need to know about it at PhenomenonFilmworks.com.

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