The horror comedy Rotsy was a hit when it premiered at the Sherman Oaks Film Festival in 2018. The brainchild of writer/director/producer D.A. Keenan, Rotsy is the touching tale of a killer clown spending quality time with his fellow mass murderers. This smart, hilarious, visually stunning film has been rocking festival audiences ever since.
Because it’s still working its way through the festival circuit, you cannot watch Rotsy here yet… but you can enjoy this interview with D.A. Keenan all about the film and his path from movie-obsessed kid to filmmaker.
I have no doubt when you listen to his story that you’ll be looking forward to Keenan’s next project as much as I am. And when season 2 of the Discover Indie Film TV series premieres on October 1, there’s a very good chance that Rotsy will be one of your favorite films in it.
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