60. 4Qs with Seth Coltan

What is DIF4Q?  It’s the Discover Indie Film Four Questions.

    • Name your favorite film of all time (limit 3)
    • Name a film you think is underrated
    • Name a film you think is overrated
    • Name a lesser-known film that you think people should seek out

I met actor/writer/producer Seth Coltan because his film obSETHed: Memorial Day brought down the house as one of the funniest films of the year.  I was very curious to hear about his favorites, and he didn’t disappoint.

If you want to learn more about Seth, Click here to hear Seth’s DIF interview.

What were Seth’s DIF4Q answers?

  • Favorites: Grease, Nine To Five
  • Underrated: The End of Innocence
  • Overrated: La La Land
  • Seek Out: How To Die In Oregon

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